Local businessmen to be actively involved in interactions with Israeli investors. ადგილობრივი ბიზნესმენები ისრაელელ ინვესტორებთან ურთიერთქმედებაში აქტიურად ჩაერთვებიან

Local businessmen to be actively involved in interactions with Israeli investors. ადგილობრივი ბიზნესმენები ისრაელელ ინვესტორებთან ურთიერთქმედებაში აქტიურად ჩაერთვებიან
06 March 2014

The statistics demonstrate that Georgia experienced significant growth in the tourism sector in recent years and this trend is becoming more and more visible, according to Itsik Moshe, the President of the Israel-Georgia Chamber of Business (IGCOB). “The tourism industry is one of the main priority fields of Georgia with an increasing demand and, for this reason, the activities of the Israel-Georgia Chamber of Business (IGCOB) in 2014 will mainly be focused on attracting Israeli investments into the tourism industry,” he said.

As Moshe explained, this is the purpose of the upcoming Tbilisi forum which carries the slogan ‘Find your Partner in the Tourism Industry’ planned for March 12. The event will provide opportunities for direct dialogue concerning future collaboration between Georgian businessmen and Israeli investors. “This is the first attempt on the part of Georgian businessmen to be involved in interactions with Israeli investors. Georgian businessmen will be given an opportunity to engage in dialogue and get acquainted with potential investors,” Moshe noted.

The forum will host invited field specialists from Israel, Italy and Turkey: Yossi Hamami (Israel), Vice President of LAHAV, the Chamber of Independents and Business Organizations;

Gohan Sarper (Turkey) – Expert in tourism and New Development Director of Rixos Hotels Group; Vincenzo Porciello (Italy) – APL Project Consultancy; Nisan Vaitsman (Israel) from BDO, one of the world’s largest accounting companies; Ilan Iaron (Israel) – Meda Group.

The presentations will focus on the following issues: phases of development of the tourism industry in Israel and Turkey; deepening cooperation with Israel and direct business connections; the involvement of banks in the development of the Israeli tourism industry; alternatives for Israeli investors.

The event, which is staged through the partnership of the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Georgian National Tourism Administration, is supported by the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia. From Israel the forum will be attended by companies representing over 100,000 entrepreneurs. The Israel-Georgia Chamber of Business (IGCOB) is also planning to collaborate with the Georgian Co-Investment Fund.

“By the end of 2014 we will organize several focused business forums as follows: on March 12 the forum-dialogue between Georgian businessmen from the tourism industry and the Israeli experts will be held,” announced Moshe. “In May, the Israeli businesswomen delegation will visit Georgia and we are also planning to bring Georgian businessmen to Israel and to launch a large business forum. In the fall, we will summarize the year at two business forums and will discuss new ways of collaboration.”

According to Moshe, the presentation of IGCOB’s updated website is also scheduled for the Business Forum to be held on March 12. From now on, the Israel-Georgia Chamber of Business and Israeli Chamber of Commerce will jointly publish business proposals on collaboration with the Georgian side via its website. The website will offer multiple services to Georgian businessmen, namely online tenders and business proposals from the Georgian side which will stimulate active investments. Georgian businessmen will be provided with free lectures on business culture, preliminary research will be conducted, and forums will be held. All the aforementioned services will be financed by the Israeli Chamber of Commerce.

Georgia Today